Rezoning of Lots in Woodvale PS03-07/24


16 July 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting


I am confused by some documents being presented to us but they are not needed to make a decision, and other documents not being provided to us which are needed to make a decision?


Response by Director, Assets:

On page 348 of the report there is a section headed Environmental Considerations where it states that to support Amendment 215 the proponent has also provided the following information and that includes the District Water Management Strategy, an Environmental Report and a Bush Fire Management plan which you have referred to, and then it goes on to state all supporting technical information be considered by Administration in more detail should Amendment 215 be initiated. Consideration would be made in light of responses from external agencies which would be consulted on during the advertising process. Therefore, all this information is material to the next stage of considering Amendment 215.

Rezoning of Lots in Woodvale PS03-07/24


16 July 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting


1. In relation to this item how much would a structure plan cost and can it be a joint investment between the City of Joondalup and City of Wanneroo?

Response by Manager Approval Services:

Structure plans are a costly exercise as they require the engagement of a range of specialist consultants and they are generally led and run by the land owner as it is the land owner that achieves the value from the change in land zoning. It would be a decision of Council and a budgetary item, it would not be delivered out of the operational budget.

2. Why were the District Water Management Strategy, Environmental Report and Bushfire Plan which were referenced in the report, not presented to assess the impact

of rezoning to Urban? If Council defers this item, can it request that Main Roads provide official correspondence on the plan and what the appetite is within Main Roads

for any achievable plans for the local area or projects that they may have already budgeted for?

Response by Manager Approval Services:

The attached documents would be provided and developed as part of a structure planning process. They would also be part of the documentation that would be circulated and advertised for public comment.

3. These reports were also referenced to support amendment no. 215. Why were these reports not presented but the traffic report was?

Response by Manager Approval Services:

The report and attachments were designed to provide Council with the information around the rezoning process which would then go out for public consultation and that information would then be circulated.

4. Was there a reason why the April 2023 concept plans were not presented to Council?

Response by Manager Approval Services:

It is important to distinguish between the rezoning from rural to urban and the future potential development of the site. Those issues would be addressed in the assessment of a structure planning stage, rezoning to Urban doesn’t require that level of information and is not material consideration to the zone being changed.

5. Was the traffic impact assessment based on residential or commercial, because the report seems to flip between assessing traffic conditions with residential development

and then later with commercial development?


Response by Manager Approval Services:

The report was prepared by consultants on behalf of the proponent. I cannot comment on why it is written the way it is.

Noise Conditions at Ryderwear Gym


23 April 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting


In regards to the approval of the Ryderwear gym, are there any other conditions applied apart from noise?


Response by Manager Approval Services:

Yes, there were a number of conditions implied. This application was for 90 patrons and 23 parking bays. Parking is consistent with the approval and has met the scheme amendments at the time of approval.

Calabrese Avenue parking


23 April 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting


Calabrese Ave in regards to future actions. In regards to future parking prohibitions. Have administration funded a community consultation for full parking ban on Calabrese Avenue?


Response by Director Assets:

This forms part of the routine operating budget as existing staff resources.

Crossing at Pearsall Primary School


20 February 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting


Pearsall Primary School is still waiting on a crossing and liaised with Director Assets last year, is there an update?


Response by Director Assets:

Question taken on notice.

Further Response by Director Assets:

Administration is liaising with Pearsall Primary School in regard to the application for a guardcontrolled crossing. A meeting with the School Principal is scheduled to be held on 27 February 2024 to assist in the preparation of their application and to discuss safe routes to school. The school has received the relevant traffic data to support the application.

Construction Update for Hinckley Park


21 November 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting


If the funding for Hinckley Park has been redistributed, when is the initial construction date?


Response by Manager Infrastructure Capital Works:

Construction is well underway and landscaping works are starting in the new year.

Motion on Notice Procedure (Q2)


06 December 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting


Does that mean when drafting any future Motion on Notice there needs to be a recommendation that says it needs to come back to an Ordinary Council Meeting from a Forum for noting purposes, is that correct?


Response by Chief Executive Officer:

Not necessarily an additional recommendation just further clarification in the original resolution and then that would be up to Council to decide

Motion on Notice Procedure (Q1)


06 December 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting


In relation to the Motions on Notice procedure in regards to when items are sent back to a Forum similar to the update that we received on petitions, if administration sees that it is not fit to continue with a petition, I see that Motions on Notice should be compared to the same, as Forums are not decision making forums, so has Administration looked at the process of returning these for ‘do not support’ recommendations to Council if not progressed at a Forum?


Response by Chief Executive Officer:

The current process as Cr Wright outlines is Council refers them back to a Council Forum and I can’t recall Council providing any further direction to Administration in regards to what happens post that. If Council in referring them back articulated that they go to a Forum and then be represented back to Council that would close the loop and see them returned to Council.

Division 4 Complaints (Q4)


06 December 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting


How many complaints has the Complaints Officer received since the start of the current financial year


Response by Mayor Aitken:

That cannot be answered as it is a confidential item.

Division 4 Complaints (Q3)


06 December 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting


How much is currently budgeted in the 2022/23 financial year for Council Member complaints?


Response by Director Corporate Strategy and Performance


Division 4 Complaints (Q2)


06 December 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting


In the last financial year how much was spent on complaints that had Council Members involved?


Response by Director Corporate Strategy and Performance:

$35,764 was spent in the last financial year.

Division 4 Complaints (Q1)


06 December 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting


How much does a Division 4 complaint cost the City?


Response by Director Corporate Strategy and Performance:

Division 4 complaints cost approximately $1,000

Edgar Griffiths Park Upgrades


11 October 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting


Can Administration advise if there are any projects of upgrades occurring that Council Members are not aware of for Edgar Griffiths Park for parking and lighting?


Response by Director, Community & Place:

Advised she is aware Cr Wright has requested these projects be listed for consideration as part of the 2023/24 budget discussions.

Wanneroo Sports and Social Club, Wanneroo


11 October 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting


Can Administration advise who owns the land and building where the Wanneroo Sports and

Social Club in Wanneroo is located?


Response by Director, Corporate Strategy & Performance:

The Wanneroo Sports & Social Club (Club) premises at Lot 503 (22) Crisafulli Avenue is Crown land (Reserve 27744) managed by the City under a management order for the purpose of ‘Club and Club Premises’.

The buildings are owned by the City, with the Club responsible for ongoing maintenance under the terms of the lease. There is an exception for structural items, which are the responsibility of the City. The lease is scheduled to expire in June 2025.

Financial Hardship Rates Payments


09 August 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting


Is there a statutory charge that is applied to those opting to use the Financial Hardship Support payments, such as the $30.00 administration fee or interest charges?


Response by Director, Corporate Strategy and Performance:

The financial hardship opportunity is not the same as the pay by instalment service. Rates staff have to manually monitor each service offered.

Destroyed Youth Track at Ashbrook Park, Pearsall


12 July 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting


Is Administration aware that last month a small bike track was knocked down by City staff that was created by local Youth at Ashbrook Park in Pearsall and has caused community detriment attracting over 150 Facebook reactions and almost 100 comments? Clearly this issue is of community interest. Can the City please provide a response as to why the track was destroyed?


Response by Acting Director Assets:

Administration is aware of the bike jumps removed from Ashbrook Park and also similar jumps been noted and removed from this park as part of routine maintenance to maintain and restore the conservation value of the reserve. The creation of the unauthorised bike track through the reserve present a public safety risk and threatens the species habitat. Primarily Ashbrook Park is a banksia dominated woodland location. Pearsall Primary School have adopted the bushland at the reserve and on a monthly basis they undertake bush care activities. The bike jumps observed within the park were determined to be unsafe for the public and were observed just prior to a school planting event and removed to ensure there was no risk to the Pearsall Primary School students and the public.

Status Update on the Upgrade of the Wanneroo Recreation Centre


12 July 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting


Can the Director of Community & Place please provide a status update through the A/Chief Executive Officer on the Upgrade of the Wanneroo Recreation Centre and when this is scheduled to be completed by?


Response by Director Community & Place:

Concept designs for the Wanneroo Recreation Centre were presented to Council Members in February 2022. Council Members requested additional work to be done on these concepts. The consultant was re-engaged to undertake the additional work which is expected to be completed in July 2022. In the next couple of months Administration will be presenting the updated concept plans to Council for consideration.

Status Update on my Motion on Notice: Kemp Street


12 July 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting


Can the Director of Assets please provide an update through the A/Chief Executive Officer on my notice of motion from the March council meeting 'Traffic Management Scheme in Kemp Street, Pearsall and please provide the next steps to get this much needed infrastructure in place? (MN04-03/22).


Response by Acting Director Assets:

A review against the policy has been undertaken and that is the Local Area Traffic Management Policy, which resulted in a score of 33 for the location of Kemp Street. and in accordance with policy no traffic management. In accordance with the policy provisions no traffic management treatments are recommended at this point in time as the minimum score for some intervention is generally around 60. The city is planning on some interim measures such as the deployment of the speed advisory trailer to help educate motorists. A further update will be provided to Councillors in the coming days on the outcome of the study that occurred.

Status Update on City's Website


12 July 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting


Can Administration please provide a status report on the update of the City's website and also the status of the Councillor workshop


Response by Acting CEO:

Administration is appointing a consultant to undertake the update of the City’s website and as soon as that appointment has occurred a Councillor Workshop will be scheduled along with other stakeholder consultation.

Enquiries Email on Website


14 June 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting


Why has the general enquiries email address been removed from the website?


Response by Director, Corporate Strategy & Performance:

It was an open email but didn’t have any information to get back to people so it was replaced with an online form which was originally four pages but is now two pages. This enables us to give service back to people as we have the information to be able to contact them.

Response by Deputy Mayor Treby:

Can the Director of Corporate Strategy & Performance confirm the exact location on the City’s website?

Response by Director, Corporate Strategy & Performance:

Question taken on notice.

Further Response by Director, Corporate Strategy & Performance:

The General Enquiries Form is most easily accessed by hovering over the ‘Contact Us’ link placed near the top of the website home page; ‘General Enquiries’ is one of the options that will be presented. A customer may also click or tap on the ‘Contact Us’ link to be offered a number of options for getting in touch, including the General Enquiries form. It can also be accessed through the ‘Online Payments & Services’ link on the website home page, then looking down the page for the ‘Online Enquiry’ section which includes ‘General Enquiry’.

Update City's Website


15 February 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting


Cr Wright requested that the Chief Executive provide a commitment from Administration on the proposed upgrade of the City’s website


Response by Chief Executive Officer:

Administration is currently completing upgrades on the key operational software systems such as Finance, Payroll and Assets systems. The upgrade of the City’s Website has been

allocated as a project for this and next financial year.

Further Response by Director Corporate Strategy and Performance:

The Website has been considered within the budget, although it has not commenced due to other projects requiring resources. Once the Finance upgrade has been completed, Administration will commence the Website upgrade. The project will span across into next financial year and will go through various stages, including a procurement step. The Customer project will be running during this time as well, which will need to link to the website, so it is a good alignment of projects.

Further Response by Chief Executive Officer:

Administration will schedule a workshop to offer Council Members with an opportunity to provide input into the functionality they would like to see in the upgraded website.

Contact Me

Councillor Jordan Wright

23 Dundebar Rd,

Wanneroo WA 6065

(61) 0491 043 939


Councillor Jordan Wright acknowledges the traditional owners of the lands on which I carry out my work, the Whadjuk Nyoongar people.

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