Wanneroo Road at Elliot Road is an existing T-Junction intersection with a central median seagull island on Wanneroo Road. Wanneroo Road is a four-lane dual carriageway Primary Distributor Road carrying approximately 25,000 vehicles per day and is under the care and control of Main Roads WA. Elliot Road is a Local Distributor Road carrying approximately 5,700 vehicles per day under the care and control of the City. The five-year crash data indicates a total of 37 crashes occurred at the intersection, 1 of which required Hospital admission and 8 requiring medical attention.
Photo of the Intersection Site
The City has received grant funding under the Main Roads WA State Black Spot Program to upgrade the intersection of Wanneroo Road and Elliot Road, Wanneroo. In support of the submission made by the City, an independent Road Safety Inspection was completed to identify road safety issues at the intersection.
Planned upgrades include:
Installing a channelised left turn pocket lane from Wanneroo Road southbound onto Elliot Road to reduce the risk of rear-end crashes and improving sight line issues for motorists turning from Elliot Road.
Modifying the existing intersection to improve sight lines for vehicles crossing through the median island.
Additional signage upon approach to the intersection and modifying nearby pedestrian crossing points to improve pedestrian safety.
The City has applied for funding as part of the State Government's Black Spot Programme. In the latest report, a road safety inspection highlighted there is a need for an auxiliary left turn lane for vehicles turning left into Elliot Road. This will alleviate the masking of southbound vehicles by left-turning vehicles. The road safety inspection also raised concerns that the existing seagull island in the Wanneroo Road median is substandard. The proposal submitted includes the installation of a 65m long auxiliary left turn lane approaching Elliot Road from the north and a minor modification of the central seagull island to improve sight lines for vehicles stored in the central median on Wanneroo Road waiting to turn right.
You can view the Council Report here: Council Report 8 August 2023
You can also view the diagram below here: Concept Plan