Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) approved Amendment No. 38 to the East Wanneroo Cell 4 Approved Structure Plan No. 6 on 17 July 2023.
The WAPC approved a modified Amendment No.38 as follows:
- Modifies the Zoning Plan map for Lot 594 (30) Ranworth Road, Hocking to include 'Private Community Purposes' and 'Special Use' zones.
- Modifies the Structure Plan map for Lot 594 (30) Ranworth Road, Hocking to include 'Private School', 'Residential R25-R60' and 'Special Use' Zone.
- Amends Part 1 (Implementation) Clause 4.5, Schedule 2, to introduce a new Special Use Zone No. 2 and relevant land use permissibility and development controls.
- Amends Part 1 (Implementation) Clause 4 to introduce new Clause 4.6 'Private Community Purposes Zone'.
- Amends Part 1 (Implementation) Clause 7, Schedule 3, to include the proposed POS area for Lot 594 (30) Ranworth Road, Hocking.
- Amends Part 1.0 (Implementation) to include new Clause 9 detailing specific development provisions for Lot 594 (30) Ranworth Road, Hocking.
- Includes a new Plan 4 'Concept Plan- Lot 594 Ranworth Road, Hocking'
- The Department has now amended the proposal which was approved on 17 July 2023.
- Construction start time unknown.
- Council’s recommendation on the matter was forwarded to the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage (DPLH) in August 2020.