Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) approved Amendment No. 38 to the East Wanneroo Cell 4 Approved Structure Plan No. 6 on 17 July 2023.

The WAPC approved a modified Amendment No.38 as follows:

  1. Modifies the Zoning Plan map for Lot 594 (30) Ranworth Road, Hocking to include 'Private Community Purposes' and 'Special Use' zones.
  2. Modifies the Structure Plan map for Lot 594 (30) Ranworth Road, Hocking to include 'Private School', 'Residential R25-R60' and 'Special Use' Zone.
  3. Amends Part 1 (Implementation) Clause 4.5, Schedule 2, to introduce a new Special Use Zone No. 2 and relevant land use permissibility and development controls.
  4. Amends Part 1 (Implementation) Clause 4 to introduce new Clause 4.6 'Private Community Purposes Zone'.
  5. Amends Part 1 (Implementation) Clause 7, Schedule 3, to include the proposed POS area for Lot 594 (30) Ranworth Road, Hocking.
  6. Amends Part 1.0 (Implementation) to include new Clause 9 detailing specific development provisions for Lot 594 (30) Ranworth Road, Hocking.
  7. Includes a new Plan 4 'Concept Plan- Lot 594 Ranworth Road, Hocking'


  • The Department has now amended the proposal which was approved on 17 July 2023. 
  • Construction start time unknown. 


  • Council’s recommendation on the matter was forwarded to the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage (DPLH) in August 2020.


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Councillor Jordan Wright

23 Dundebar Rd,

Wanneroo WA 6065

(61) 0491 043 939


Councillor Jordan Wright acknowledges the traditional owners of the lands on which I carry out my work, the Whadjuk Nyoongar people.

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